Mental illness and relationships

Mental illnesses, such as depression, often impact an individual’s thought processes and behavior. These feelings and behaviors have a profound effect on both the individual and everyone around them.

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Despite our best efforts to eat well, get plenty of sleep and exercise regularly, there will be times when we feel physically sick and are not functioning well. Most of us know that ignoring our symptoms will only make us more sick and that the best thing to do is let people know we’re ill, go home and take care of ourselves. So why do we not do the same when we’re mentally unwell?

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This infographic focuses on how healthy relationships are an essential component of maintaining good mental health. Keeping lines of communication open, focusing on positives, being mindful of who is aware of your circumstances, setting goals and ensuring you take time for self-care are all key factors in building healthy relationships that can really help when facing mental illness. Your EAP can also help.
A strong support system is critical to helping you through di¬fficult times. People with a strong support system are 25% more likely to be happier. There are many different options when cultivating a support system across the four support dimension: social, family, medical, and online: making social plans and attending group activities, communicate and accept help, build social networks and online communities, ensure your medical professionals are a part and consult your EAP resources.

To help you inform your employees about this new resource, we have attached a poster and button allowing one-click access to the microsite for your intranet sites.

Thank you for your commitment to Mental Illness Awareness Week!

Additional Resources

  • To download the button, right-click (control-click on Mac) on the image below and select "Save image as…" from the pop-up menu. When adding the button to your site, simply program the microsite URL ( as the button click-through destination.

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Your EAP provides immediate, and confidential assistance for any work, health, or life concern.