You can trust us to help you and your family to resolve issues that you may be facing. We can help with stress, relationship problems, depression, anxiety, nutrition and weight loss, parenting, and much more.

There are many ways to get help today - all completely confidential. Review the services below and use the icons under Let us help to book your service anytime, anywhere.

If you have not done so already, please Register to create your workhealthlife Profile, so you can experience all that your EAP and this site have to offer.

For immediate help, call us at 1.844.880.9137. We’re here, and ready to help 24/7/365. 

Our professionals are dedicated to supporting and guiding you and your family through issues that may be affecting your work, health, or life.

We are the only Employee and Family Assistance Program (EAP) provider with a full range of flexible and confidential counseling delivery options available to you and your family members.

Professional counseling is available to you and your family through:

  • In-person sessions
  • Sessions over the telephone
  • Video counseling sessions
  • Online group counselling
  • Mobile app counselling program (My Migo)
  • Online chat (First Chat)
  • Online written exchanges (E-Counselling)
  • Text-based self-guided (Health and Wellness Resources)

When you access counseling, we will help you determine which session option is right for you based on your issue, learning style, comfort level, schedule, and more.

Our counselors can help with the following:

  • Relationship challenges
  • Stress and resiliency
  • Family concerns including communication, parenting, dynamics, and more
  • Workplace communication, conflict, harassment, and more
  • Mental health concerns including depression, anxiety, addiction, and more
  • Bullying
  • Abuse
  • Grief
  • Anger

Support is available right now – Let us help!

Use the support icons found under the Let us help area located in the right-hand of your screen to find the support that’s right for you.

Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information.

Our Online Programs offer a convenient, private way to find the help you need to improve your relationships, health, financial future, stress management and much more. You will use interactive tools and assessments to understand your situation, set goals, work on the resolution, and develop an action plan for positive change.

Get started anytime, anywhere on your desktop or mobile!

Choose the Online Program right for you:

  • Managing Stress
  • Separation and Divorce
  • Enhancing your Relationship
  • Financial Planning
  • Retirement Ready
  • Job Loss and Transition
  • Enriching your Career
  • Eating for Health
  • Parenting: School-age to teenager


Support is available right now – Let us help!

Use the support icons found under the Let us help area located in the right-hand of your screen to find the support that’s right for you.

Once you have registered for this program, you can access it in the My Activity area after login on

Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information.

Our consultants will work with you to address your specific concern or question. Let us help you do the research on locations, availability, fees, and more for a wide range of services for your family.

Family Support is available to you through:

  • Consultations over the telephone
  • Text-based self-guided (Health and Wellness Resources)
  • In-person consultations (through referral)

Our Family Support consultants can provide information on the following:

  • Daycare centres and after-school programs
  • Schools, educational services and special needs programs
  • Parenting classes
  • Emergency home care services
  • Seniors’ accommodations/nursing homes
  • Caregiver support groups
  • Rehabilitation and home support programs
  • Palliative care
  • Outreach and transportation services
  • Adoption and multiple birth services
  • Expectant and new parenting

Support is available right now – Let us help!

Use the support icons found under the Let us help area located in the right-hand of your screen to find the support that’s right for you.

Take control of your financial future with advice from one of our financial experts.

Financial Support is available to you through:

  • Consultation over the telephone
  • An online, mobile-friendly program
  • In-person consultations (through referral)

Our financial experts will provide information and answer your questions on:

  • Credit/debt management
  • Budgeting
  • Bankruptcy
  • Financial aspects of separation/divorce
  • Real estate
  • Taxes
  • Retirement planning

Support is available right now – Let us help!

Use the support icons found under the Let us help area located in the right-hand of your screen to find the support that’s right for you.

This service does not provide advice about specific investment products, authorize loans or prepare tax returns. When required, we will facilitate referrals to licensed professionals for more extensive services such as financial planning or debt repayment planning. Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information.

Through four programs, you will find information and resources to help you understand and manage challenges and opportunities related to your career and focus.

Career Counseling: General

Career counseling helps individuals to understand and exploit their strengths and work style to improve job satisfaction and performance, and retirement and lifestyle issues.

Working with a career counselor, you can address a wide range of topics, including:

  • Stress
  • Work-life balance
  • Career planning and redirection
  • Preparing effective resumes and cover letter

Career Counseling: Resiliency Coaching

Resiliency Coaching is specifically designed to help individuals find a point of focus in life, reduce overall stress and remove challenges.

Over three months, you will learn more about:

  • Coping strategies
  • Steps to avoid burn-out
  • Finding focus in life, and making it a priority

Career Counseling: Retirement Planning

The Retirement Planning program offers individuals wide-ranging support and information to help prepare for this important stage in their life. You will receive a specialized pre-retirement lifestyle planning guide, workbook and Pre-Retirement Financial Planning Resources to help you with:

  • Self-assessment of values and goals
  • Building a retirement support network
  • Finding full-time or part-time work
  • Consulting or starting a business
  • Planning and preparing for your financial future

Career Counseling: Starting Out

The Starting Out program is designed to assist students aged 14-18 in their initial career exploration. A career counselor will assess your interests, skills, and temperament as stepping stones to exploring potential careers. You will receive the Career Planning for Students Handbook and other useful materials.

Career Counseling is available to you through:

  • Consultation over the telephone

Support is available right now – Let us help!

Use the support icons found under the Let us help area located in the right-hand of your screen to find the support that’s right for you.

Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information.

Your diet can strongly affect your mood, health, and energy levels. Maintaining a healthy, well-balanced diet can be a challenge with a hectic schedule and multiple personal and family demands. Through our Nutrition Support service, you will work with a Registered Dietitian who is focused on your health and goals.

Nutrition Support is available to you through:

  • Consultation over the telephone
  • Text-based self-help (Health and Wellness Resources)

Connect with one of our Registered Dietitians for advice about:

  • Weight loss/gain
  • Lowering cholesterol levels
  • Getting off the diet "roller coaster"
  • Reducing high blood pressure
  • Boosting energy
  • Regulating diabetes
  • Healthy eating on the go
  • Preventing heart disease
  • Accommodating shift work
  • Preventing osteoporosis
  • Eating a well-balanced vegetarian diet

Support is available right now – Let us help!

Use the support icons found under the Let us help area located in the right-hand of your screen to find the support that’s right for you.

Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information.

In naturopathic medicine, the individual is seen as a whole – the physical, the mental, and the emotional aspects – all play a role. Symptoms and disease are seen as warning signs of the improper functioning of body and lifestyle habits.

Naturopathic Support is available to you through:

  • Consultation over the telephone

Our naturopaths will provide solutions that do not require conventional medicine, but may work in conjunction with traditional solutions and provider recommendations.

Our Naturopathic Support is focused on four key areas:

  • Healthy sleep
  • Aging well
  • Stress-free living
  • Workplace wellness

Specific topics we can address include:

  • Work-life balance
  • Illness prevention
  • Improving digestion
  • Energy levels
  • Jet lag
  • Recognizing mind-body connections
  • Strengthening your immune system
  • Positive food choices
  • Midlife health changes
  • Living well with shift work

Support is available right now – Let us help!

Use the support icons found under the Let us help area located in the right-hand of your screen to find the support that’s right for you.

Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information.

Do you have a physical health issue requiring professional support? We can help you understand health issues and make the changes needed to be well and stay well.

Health Coaching is available to you through:

  • Sessions over the telephone

Our Health Coaches are Registered Nurses and Occupational Health Nurses who offer practical, personalized support for physical health issues, such as:

  • Diabetes
  • High blood pressure
  • High cholesterol
  • Migraines
  • Asthma, Allergies
  • PMS, Menopause, Andropause
  • Gastrointestinal concerns (Crohn’s Disease, ulcers)

They can also work with you to create a risk reduction action plan and motivate you to stick with it by addressing risk factors through:

  • Weight management
  • Healthy eating
  • Smoking cessation

Support is available right now – Let us help!

Use the support icons found under the Let us help area located in the right-hand of your screen to find the support that’s right for you.

Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information.

Being physically active and working out isn’t easy especially when juggling work, family, and other priorities. Virtual fitness makes it easy for you to get active and reach your fitness goals. Combining technology and live coaches who interact with you creates a convenient solution to workout safely at maximum efficiency, achieve results faster, and have fun!

LIFT Session Virtual Fitness is available to you through your Employee Assistance Program (EAP) and consists of:

  • Automated fitness journeys
  • Live web chat with coaches

Through your automated fitness journeys, you’ll have access to customized sessions based on your fitness goals and current fitness levels. Your sessions include detailed workout programs with demo videos to guide you. You can also chat live online with fitness coaches who can help with any fitness, nutrition or recovery questions you have. Each fitness session lasts 30 minutes, and the typical journey consists of three sessions per week for a total duration of six weeks. No equipment required!

LIFT Session is available right now – Give it a try today!

LIFT Session Fitness

Once you have registered for this program, you will receive program information directly from LIFT Session to get started.

Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information.

Manage your weight by changing your behaviour with the knowledge and support of a personal coach! Working together with your coach, you will set goals, overcome barriers, and learn more about physical activity and nutrition to support your weight loss.

Healthy Weight Management consist of the following components:

  • Online assessment
  • Interactive online program inducing trackers, goal setting and challenges
  • Smart scale to track progress and outcomes
  • Consultations with a coach over the telephone or online chat

By completing the online physical assessment, you will identify areas of focus that will help you set and achieve your goals.

Our coaches and program resources will provide information and answer your questions on:

  • Physical activity
  • Nutrition
  • Mental health
  • Lifestyle changes

Support is available right now – Let us help!

Use the support icons under the Let us help area located on right on the right hand side of this page to find the support that’s right for you.

Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information.

20/20 Health Insights will help your discover more about your health across four pillars:

  • Physical
  • Mental
  • Financial
  • Workplace productivity and resilience

This personal health and wellness tool will generate a health profile report outlining lifestyle and health factors which contribute to your overall well-being.

20/20 Health Insights is available to you through:

  • Online assessment
  • Online health profile report with recommendations

Your report will direct you to health information and resources that are specific to your own health risks – giving you the tools to achieve better health.

Support is available right now – Let us help!

Use the support icons under the Let us help area located on right on the right hand side of this page to find the support that’s right for you.

This assessment is not a diagnostic tool, rather designed to identify and raise awareness of health status and areas of risk.

Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information.

Learn anytime, anywhere with our short video seminars covering a variety of health and wellness topics.

LifeSpeak is an online platform of health, wellness, and professional development information presented by acclaimed experts. Watch, listen and learn about a variety of topics to empower you and your family to overcome personal and professional challenges. You also have access to the experts by participating in the monthly “Ask the Expert” web chat sessions.

LifeSpeak videos are short, 8-minutes, and address topics like:

  • Physical and mental health
  • Personal growth and relationships
  • Professional development and communication
  • Parenting
  • Eldercare

LifeSpeak’s extensive collection of expert-led videos and podcasts is available online 24/7 and can be accessed confidentially with a unique login from your computer or tablet. Watch, listen, and learn at work, home or during your commute!

Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information.

Let us help

Your EAP provides immediate, and confidential assistance for any work, health, or life concern.