Mental Illness: Discovery to recovery

It’s normal to feel angry, anxious, sad or overwhelmed when you’re having a bad day or going through a difficult time. What may indicate an underlying mental illness is when some or all of these symptoms do not go away or intensify over a period of time.

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One thing is clear: it`s difficult for anyone to deal with mental illness alone. A supportive network made up of family members, friends, coworkers, medical professionals and community agencies is essential for everyone involved.

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Thanks to dramatic changes in attitude over the past 20 years, more and more people are realizing that mental illnesses are just that – illnesses. And because there are more than 200 different mental disorders and varying degrees of severity, accurate diagnosis and specific treatment are essential.

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I now had something else to worry about. It seemed I couldn’t switch off my mind. My thoughts raced night and day, I couldn’t sleep, I had chronic indigestion and I began obsessing about real and imagined problems. I felt physically sick, exhausted, and mentally drained.

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