mental health and millennials

Millennials, born between 1980 and 1999, have now surpassed their Baby Boomer parents as the largest generation in history. One thing Millennials around the world have in common is the fact that they are stressed and that is taking a toll on global economic prosperity.

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As the first truly digital generation, Millennials often have trouble disconnecting from their smartphones, tablets, laptops and other devices. Add to that the stresses caused by their high expectations, a precarious economy and an unpredictable world and it’s not surprising that they’re reporting record rates of depression and anxiety.

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Long hours, increased workloads, rapid technological change and increasingly turbulent global markets are stressing us all out but Millennials are feeling an additional strain caused by a disconnection between their high expectations and economic realities.

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There are some of us who are naturally resilient thanks to a combination of temperament and upbringing but most of us have to build our resilience by learning from experience and finding what coping strategies work best for us. These strategies begin by making small adjustments to our mindset and our lifestyle.

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