Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Keeping anxiety in check in the face of uncertainty

Couple_woman comforting man

Hardly a day goes by without alarming news about natural disasters, terrorism, political strife at home and abroad, economic threats and violence. If that wasn’t enough, many of us are also concerned about our jobs, our health, our relationships and our finances. It’s no wonder that this seemingly constant uncertainty is causing many of us a great deal of anxiety.

What’s your tolerance for uncertainty? 

Some people have more resilience to or tolerance for uncertainty, challenges and negative events. Others have less tolerance and this can make them feel:

Although we all differ in how much of life’s uncertainty we can tolerate, there are ways to increase our resilience and better cope with an ever-changing world.

If you’re having trouble managing stress and coping with uncertainty on your own, ask for help. Contact us for more information, support and resources.

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