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Preparing your child for back to school

Whether your child is starting school for the first time or returning after a summer break, the start of the school year brings a great deal of excitement, together with some anxiety and stress. 

A little planning and preparation can ease much of the uncertainty and help to make the first day an enjoyable experience for everyone. 

Starting school for the first time

You may have conflicting emotions about your child starting school. While it’s a proud moment and a real milestone in your child’s development, you may be anxious about how he or she may cope, and perhaps subconsciously afraid that this means you are losing your baby. 

Accept that these feelings are natural and realize that your child’s feelings are probably very similar to your own. Your child is undoubtedly excited and proud about starting school, but is likely also nervous and unsure. 

Here are some tips to prepare your child for his or her first day:

Preparing to return to school

Even children who have been at school for years, may feel a little anxious about the return to a new classroom and a new teacher. Encourage them to talk about their feelings, and reassure them that they will do just fine.

First day back
Getting into the school-year routine can be a difficult adjustment at first—for both parents and kids. Here are some tips to help you prepare for the big day and get back into the routine:

  • Lay your child’s clothes out the night before. This is a good routine to get into and can save stress during the early morning rush.
  • Let your child choose what goes in the lunch box (assuming that the choices cover the basic food groups).
  • If your child is young enough to enjoy it, write a note and put it in the lunch box. It can be a comforting reminder of home when lunchtime comes.
  • Make sure your child has a good breakfast.
  • When your child returns home, he or she may need a little quiet time to unwind before they answer questions about their big day. Let them know that you can’t wait to hear about their day but that you understand if they would like to enjoy a snack first.
  • Help your child adjust to the homework routine. Set aside a quiet and comfortable place for your child to work, and make sure he or she has all the required supplies.
Remember that the first few days can be extra stressful as your child settles into new routines in school. It may take a while before everyone can really relax. However, with open communication between parent and child, and a little pre-planning, you can ease the transition back to school and prepare your child for his or her big day.
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