Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Giving and gaining respect at work

Many people spend as much time with their co-workers as with their friends and families. This makes building a positive work atmosphere an important goal. The key to a positive work environment is mutual respect between employees. The following tips will help you earn your co-workers' respect and encourage it in others.

Respect Rules

Maintaining a positive and respectful atmosphere at work can be a challenge when faced with negative factors such as a bad commute or stress. Invest in your own attitude and actions so you can gain and give respect in the workplace. Try to:

For Managers or Leaders

Issues with managers or leaders are one of the main reasons why many people end up searching for a new job. While both employees and employers have a responsibility to contribute to a healthy workplace, you can set a good example by:

  • Giving positive feedback to employees
  • Being a good listener
  • Demonstrating respect for your employees
  • Focusing on accomplishments, not hours
  • Being consistent
  • Taking the time to get to know your staff

Taking these simple steps can make a world of difference to your team and the environment you share. Employees respect, seek to emulate and want to work alongside a supportive employer because they create a healthy and positive workplace.

Threats to Respect

One of the greatest threats to a positive working environment and to employees' emotional health is workplace bullying and harassment. Workplace bullying often goes undetected and unreported due to feelings of fear or shame. Be on the watch for signs that bullying may be occurring and be sure to report it. Bullying includes:

  • Verbal abuse
  • Excluding and isolating employees
  • Intentionally changing work rotations to inconvenience particular employees
  • Intentionally withholding information vital to effective work performance
Harassment is more overt, but no less difficult to endure. It can also include:

  • Threats or inappropriate comments
  • Destruction or theft of property
  • Sexual innuendo or lewd behaviour
  • Physical assaults
Serious threats to a healthy and respectful workplace such as bullying and harassment may not be a part of your workplace but there is always room for improvement. The best place to start is with yourself. Evaluate the role you play in contributing to the office environment and try to implement the steps above. Small changes can vastly improve your own attitude at work, and earn the respect and the gratitude of colleagues.

© 2024 LifeWorks (Canada) Ltd. Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information. For immediate assistance, call 1.844.880.9137.