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Elder Care: Sources of Stress and How to Cope

If you are struggling with the challenges of helping to care for an elder relative, you’re in good company. Thirty years ago, there were 1.5 million Canadians over the age of 65. Today there are 3.6 million, many of whom are relying on relatives for their day-to-day needs. The number of elders will continue to climb even higher over the next 30 years, as medical advances continue to turn previously fatal illnesses into survivable but often chronic conditions. 

Add the demands of caring for an elder relative to the challenges of a busy career and raising children, and it's no surprise that many of us have to rearrange our lives, priorities and financial resources. In short, a great deal of flexibility is required from everyone in the family, but especially from the primary caregiver. 

Common Challenges 

Some of the common sources of stress that caregivers of elders tend to experience include:

Ways to Reduce Stress 

If you are feeling overwhelmed by the stress associated with caring for an elder relative, here are some suggested coping techniques:

When caring for an elder relative, this new role can create a whole slew of new responsibilities, tasks—and stress. Consider the coping techniques outlined in this article to give yourself peace of mind. And above all, don’t be afraid to reach out to friends and family for help.
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