Your Employee Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Supporting a worker with a serious illness

The serious illness of a co-worker can shake the foundations of a workplace, touch the lives of people and affect the dynamics, productivity and atmosphere. People often find they are unprepared to deal with their own unexpected feelings in reaction to their co-worker’s illness and are unsure of how they can be of help. When faced with this difficult situation, people leaders have an opportunity to create a workplace that is supportive and safe for a sick employee as well as those affected by their illness. Take the lead in supporting an ill employee and your staff with the suggestions below.

At diagnosis

When someone is ill and waiting for test results, the best way to be a source of comfort is to lend an ear and your support. Listen to their worries and let your colleague know you are concerned and that your thoughts are focused on a full recovery.

The diagnosis of a serious illness is difficult for anyone and can stir up a range of emotions. Understand that feelings such as anger and fear are normal and okay. A person diagnosed with a serious illness may feel:

Keep in mind that people with chronic illnesses are often tired or, are dealing with physical pain on top of the emotional strain of diagnosis. Other difficulties, such as financial or family strain, can further weigh down an already difficult situation. Acknowledge this stress and be there to lend a supportive ear and a hand.

Communicating in the Workplace

The illness of an employee in the workplace can cause confusion and gossip when information is not communicated properly. Everyone involved will be affected by the illness of the co-worker, both emotionally and, potentially, with respect to workload. As a people leader, be sure to respect the privacy of your employee while encouraging open lines of communication between you and employees. Create a balance between sharing information and the colleague’s privacy by:

Staying connected

Sometimes people shy away from interaction with someone who is seriously ill because they don’t know what to say or how to interact. Discuss and share the following tips for interacting with an ill co-worker with staff to ease the awkwardness and keep communication flowing.

A Helping Hand

Help your employees affected by the illness of their co-worker by discussing unique ways they can be of help. Remember, you are not only helping the individual, but their family and close friends affected by their illness. There are many ways you can assist and positively impact the life of a chronically ill colleague during this difficult time. Make a difference by:

When first diagnosed with an illness, many people receive a lot of initial care and support. This attention, however, can fade over time, especially if struggling with a chronic illness that spans months. The most important part about offering help is in following through. It may be easy at first to be a support, but over time, it can become more challenging to follow through on good intentions. Be constant and do what you say you’ll do. Doing so, will help your colleague feel supported and valued during a very challenging life stage.

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