Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Managing millennials

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For more than four decades the baby boomers, the largest generation in history, ruled the workplace, naturally, organizational programs and strategies revolved around their needs. Now in their late 50s and 60s, the boomers are beginning to leave the workforce, only to be replaced by another enormous demographic society – the millennials.

These children of the baby boomers were born between around 1980 and 2000. As a group, the millennials are more affluent, more technologically-adept, more educated and more ethnically diverse than any previous generation. By 2020, millennials will make up at least 50 percent of employees in countries around the world. Their potential is enormous and their values, expectations, and ways of communicating are unique. To harness their many talents and abilities, organizations and leaders need to understand what motivates and engages this positive, confident and energetic group.

Motivating millennials

Strategies and programs that worked for baby boomers are not as effective with millennials. Organizations and managers need a different approach to understand and optimize the potential of this generation.

Here are tips to get you started:

Millennials seek leadership, even structure, from their managers, but also expect to be mentored and respected. Like the baby boomers before them, the millennials bring tremendous opportunities – and challenges – to organizations. By understanding their views and values and respecting their talents and potential, you can help develop the workforce of the future.

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