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Living with divorce

Separating from someone you had hoped would be your partner for life inevitably carries pain. It can leave you feeling overwhelmed and like a failure, particularly if you are surrounded by "happy families."couple is upset with each other

Understanding the accompanying emotional and physical stresses is the first step in learning how to deal with separation or divorce. When you accept your feelings and learn to care for yourself during this stressful time, you’ll not only cope with divorce, but even thrive.

Emotional stress

Not only is the act of separating or divorcing a huge stress in itself, but it also carries secondary stresses. These can affect the family and the individual in many ways and include:

Physical stress

As in any stressful situation, the body is affected in many ways, which can include headaches, backaches, ulcers, asthma and more frequent colds and flu. Even when divorce is a relief, physical symptoms can take hold.

Coping strategies for divorcees

Although divorce is painful, it can also be a time of new relationships, learning and growing. Here are some tips to help you get through the tough times:

Time for your children

Divorce is hardest on the children. Kids will need your love and support now more than ever. Here are some small daily things that will help children continue to feel loved and supported:

The stress of divorce can cause enduring issues for everyone in the family. Remember that if the relationship wasn’t working, divorce can be a relief and even a positive change. Look after yourself and respect your former partner, particularly where children are involved.

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