Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Dealing with difficult behaviours

Coworkers in a meetingThe key to success for any organizational leader is having a team with the right combination of skills, talents and personalities. When the mix is right, new ideas flow, engagement and productivity are high and people work cooperatively. While the occasional conflict will arise due to miscommunication, unclear job responsibilities or differing working styles, the biggest threat to team morale and performance is having individuals with difficult behaviours. Left unresolved, one person can upset, demoralize, frustrate and obstruct the entire team.

Difficult workplace behaviours

While everyone is unique, there are certain negative behaviours that can have a detrimental impact on your entire team. Some of the most prevalent disruptive behaviours are displayed by certain personality types including:

Managing difficult behaviours

It’s important to deal with difficult behaviours as soon as possible before they begin undermining the efforts of the entire team and your effectiveness as a manager.

Different behaviours require different approaches but there are some actions you can take that can help with all personalities. They include:

Managing difficult behaviours is never easy but it’s central to creating a cohesive team and a great workplace culture.

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