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Teens and sexuality

Many parents find it difficult to accept their son or daughter’s developing sexuality and try to deny it or put it out of their minds. Others may acknowledge that communication with their teen is important, but simply don’t have the self-assurance or comfort level to figure out where or how to begin to discuss sexual matters.

Key points to communicate

Although some parents won’t talk to their teens about sexual intercourse, the chances are high that your teenage son or daughter will engage in sex. If there is no communication about sexual matters, teens often see their parents’ silence as disapproval of both the act and discussion around it. This can lead to excessive secrecy on the teen’s part and sometimes to feelings of guilt or shame.

Unfortunately, this secrecy or unfounded shame can make your son or daughter unwilling to risk asking questions in the home, resulting in an increased risk of pregnancy or sexually transmitted diseases (STDs).

Although any discussion is usually better than no discussion at all, your chances of successful communication are better if you follow some simple tips.

Messages to communicate

Whatever your personal views about sex before marriage, it is critical to ensure that your teen has easy access to good information about contraception and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs). It is also important for teens to understand the vital need for mutual respect in all relationships.

Regardless of your personal views about sex before marriage, it’s important to keep the lines of communication with your teen open about all subjects—especially around difficult subjects like sex and sexuality. Make sure that your teen has easy access to good information about contraception and sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) and that they understand the importance of mutual respect in all relationships. By keeping the lines of communication open now, you lay the foundation for a strong, life-long relationship.

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