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Budgeting: living within your means

Regardless of how much or how little you are concerned about money, there's no denying that life would be more comfortable, secure and carefree with more control over personal finances. Taking stock and creating a realistic budget can help achieve just that.calculator

Losing Control

Money problems can be one of the greatest sources of stress. It's easy to get in over our heads and difficult to get out. But not impossible. Whether you're feeling pressure to make ends meet or trying to curb bad spending habits, it's important to take one step at a time to reverse negative patterns, get the needed support and move in a positive, secure direction.

Typical indicators of a lack of financial control include:

Personal Budgeting

One of the first steps to gain control of your financial situation is to create a personal budget to ensure you are living within your means. Here are some guidelines:

Watch the Pennies, and the Dollars Will Follow

To help get your new budget in gear, it's useful to see where you might be able to trim your current spending without changing your lifestyle too drastically. Consider the following:

It's said that money can't buy happiness, but the proper management of your financial situation sure can make life a lot easier. Put yourself in the position of taking advantage of your financial affairs, rather than letting your financial affairs take advantage of you.

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