Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Caring for a loved one with Alzheimer’s disease

Is your family able to cooperate and help each other? Is there tolerance and mutual support? Or, do competition, criticism and blame dominate your family’s internal relationships?

When a loved one is diagnosed with Alzheimer’s, your family’s ability to adapt and support each other is challenged. This is a time for personal growth and family transformation.

If you are part of a family who is caring for a member with Alzheimer’s and you are taking the time to read this blog, I know you are focused on the following steps:

  1. You want your loved one to be safe.
  2. You want to help your loved one to have the best quality of care that their finances can provide.
  3. You recognize that the disease follows a path of predictable progressive deterioration.
  4. Your ability to respond in a caring manner depends upon your own well-being.

Caregivers can sometimes become overloaded with the mounting responsibilities of caring for someone with deteriorating mental and physical health.

Some warning signs that a caregiver is suffering from stress overload:

  1. You have lost your sense of humour and perspective.
  2. You are angry and irritated over small issues.
  3. You are juggling multiple responsibilities and you feel overwhelmed most or all of the time.
  4. Your exercise, personal grooming, and healthy eating habits are diminishing.
  5. You may be developing digestive problems and your blood pressure is higher.
  6. You are letting important tasks and decisions slide.
  7. You no longer have any pleasure or patience for the self-nurturing you require.
  8. You are feeling alone and resentful that the rest of your family has abandoned you.
  9. You are frustrated with the behaviour of your ailing loved one.
  10. You are ignoring your loved one and neglecting important aspects of their care.

If you are exhibiting warning signs, there is help available. Talk to someone who understands and can guide you back to healthy living and pleasures in your own life so you can be a functional caregiver.

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