Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Clarifying expectations and understanding job requirements

Continuing layoffs in the workplace today are forcing many people to begin new employment and others to take on new jobs within their companies, as they absorb the responsibilities of laid-off colleagues.confused man

Starting a new job brings many emotions—from excitement to stress and even sheer fear. It is normal to feel a little vulnerable and nervous as we venture into what is essentially the unknown—and herein lies the key to success. The more we can learn about the new job requirements and expectations, the faster we can master the unknown and become comfortable and successful within the new job environment.

Tips and tools you can use

A new job brings new challenges along with opportunities to gain new skills and new experiences. Make sure you are able to take full advantage of these new opportunities by ensuring you have a clear understanding of job requirements and expectations. Here are some great tips:

When you start

Confirm agreement

As you settle in

Progress review meeting

By clarifying expectations and understanding the requirements of your job, you lay the foundation for continued success at work. See also articles on formal job descriptions in this library. Time spent having the sometimes difficult conversations about the particulars of what’s expected of you—and what you can expect of your boss—will pay valuable dividends toward your success and the success of your organization as a whole.

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