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Helping your teen stay safe at work

If there's one thing that seems to go hand-in-hand with adolescence, it's the ongoing need for independence. For most teens, there's a great deal of satisfaction to be had in earning their own money and having the freedom to spend it. silhouette of young male holding hammerHowever, parents should keep in mind that there are risks associated with many part-time jobs and workplaces.

Encouraging your teen to discuss their work and share any health and safety concerns with you is always a good idea. Here are some tips for parents that will help ensure your teen stays safe—and healthy—at work:

If your teen has concerns about safety at work, help him or her think about what change is required, and how to approach their supervisor.

Be sure to encourage open communication with your teen, so that any workplace concerns don’t go unnoticed. Remember, everyone has the right to a safe work environment, no matter what their age.

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