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Sleep – let’s make time for it

male is sleeping

Sleep is as important as a balanced diet and regular exercise in keeping us physically and mentally healthy, yet one third of us don’t get enough. That makes one-third of us irritable, forgetful, less productive and more susceptible to illness, as well as having an increased risk of obesity and chronic health conditions such as diabetes, hypertension, and depression.

Take our quiz to find out if you are making sleep a priority.

  1. How many hours of uninterrupted sleep do adults require each day?

    1. Four to six
    2. Seven to nine
    3. Ten to twelve

    Answer: b). According to the National Sleep Foundation, adults (18-64) require seven to nine hours of sleep each night.

  2. The older we get, the less sleep we need.

    • True
    • False

    Answer: False. Our need for sleep remains more or less the same throughout adulthood although our sleeping patterns do change as we age – we wake more easily and spend more time in light sleep.

  3. Which of the following are signs you’re not getting enough sleep?

    1. Forgetfulness
    2. Inability to focus
    3. Weight gain
    4. All of the above

    Answer: d). If you experience persistent sleep problems, consult your doctor.

  4. During sleep your brain rests.

    • True
    • False

    Answer: False. Your body is resting and restoring but your brain remains active. Much of that activity involves learning and remembering.

  5. Reading in bed is a great way to prepare for sleep.

    • True
    • False

    Answer: False. Reading, watching TV or using electronic devices in bed stimulates your brain.

  6. A nightcap helps you relax before bed.

    • True
    • False

    Answer: False. Alcohol may make you feel sleepy, but it worsens the quality of your sleep.

  7. Snoring is nothing to worry about.

    • True
    • False

    Answer: False. Persistent loud snoring at night and daytime sleepiness are the main symptoms of a common yet serious sleep disorder ─ sleep apnea. Speak to your doctor if you have any concerns.

  8. What annual percentage of traffic accidents does fatigue contribute to?

    1. 7 percent
    2. 12 percent
    3. 21 percent
    4. 33 percent

    Answer: c). According to the Canadian Council of Motor Transport Administrators, motor vehicle accidents caused by fatigue result in about 400 deaths and 2,100 serious injuries every year.

  9. What are the causes of sleep problems?

    1. Sleep disorders
    2. Stress and anxiety
    3. Electric light
    4. All of the above

    Answer: d). If you experience persistent sleep problems, consult your doctor.

How did you do? Do you think you need help making sleep a priority?

Here are some tips that can help make a difference in improving your sleeping patterns:

Our busy, and often stressful, lifestyles can make getting enough sleep difficult. In order to build better resilience skills we need to make restful, restorative sleep a priority.   

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