Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Managing the stress of moving

Moving is one life event that pretty much everyone goes through—usually more than once. Although it may herald the beginning of exciting new times, the prospect of moving can also be overwhelming.couple moving in together

Whether moving down the street, across the country or across the globe, moving adds additional demands on time and energy that can easily upset the already delicate balance of life. The key to success is to stay focused, get organized and take one step at a time. So let's get moving!

Tips and tools you can use

Approach the move like any major project. Start a file, divide the move into stages, draw up a schedule and check off each step as it is achieved. Although you may want to keep a file on your computer, hard copies can be a valuable way to keep track of information and keep it at hand. Plus, tear sheets with information about suppliers or ideas for your new home can be very helpful. Here are some great tips to help you get going:

What are you moving?

First, go through your home and get rid of all clutter and junk. Here are a few ideas to make it easier and more enjoyable:

Booking the move

Decide whether you are going to hire a moving service or do it yourself with a hired van and the help of friends. Budget restrictions may make this decision for you. Once you know what method you would like to use:

Get organized

Before the move even begins it will be helpful to have a few plans laid, such as:

Start packing

Some movers will do packing for you, but if you are in control of the packing:

Moving day

The stress of the big day can be minimized with some preparations, including:

Moving can be one of the most stressful changes we go through in life, since it involves a complete upheaval and examination of everything accumulated in our lives. It can also be a great time to take stock of what is important, de-clutter and start fresh. The tips above should help to minimize the stress of moving through planning and organization.

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