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Dealing with a Critical Incident in the Workplace

You never know when a traumatic event will affect your workplace. Whether it is a natural disaster, death of an employee, or a robbery, it can send shockwaves throughout your organization.  As a supervisor, employees will be looking to you for information, instructions, guidance, and support.

What is a Critical Incident?

A critical incident is an extraordinary event that can produce a reaction from employees.  Some common examples of critical incidents include:

Why is it Important to Manage a Critical Incident?

What Reactions Can I Expect to See?

Affected employees will each have different reactions. Some may move on with business as normal, while others may feel more of an emotional response. Some employees will experience Critical Incident Stress, which is natural reaction of a person who has gone through an abnormal event. Common emotional and physical symptoms of critical incident stress include: anxiety, fear, headaches, sleep disturbance, or re-living the event over and over.

What to Do When there is a Critical Incident?

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