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Learning about learning disabilities: the importance of early diagnosis

It’s hard enough for kids to fit in with friends, grasp school work and live up to parents’ expectations. So when a learning disability presents itself, it can seem like an overwhelming obstacle. But learning disabilities are more common than you might think. They affect 10 per cent of Canadians. 

And with early diagnosis comes improved odds of overcoming the learning disability (LD). In fact many well-known people—from actors, to innovative thinkers—have risen to the challenges of a learning disability and gone on to achieve great success.

Learn to spot the signs of an LD with the information below and remember: if you suspect a child in your life has an LD, get help from a trained health professional right away for an accurate diagnosis and treatment options.

Spotting a Learning Disability

LDs get in the way of receiving, organizing, retaining and understanding all types of information. They can be hard to diagnose, especially since the ways and speed at which kids learn are so different. Early detection can help give kids a leg-up on their LD. Areas that can cause problems for kids with LDs—either alone or in combination—include:

There are also milestones kids reach that tell you development is on track.

Children with LDs may not reach some of these markers.

Physical signs can also include trouble bouncing and catching a ball or skipping.

Some LDs—like trouble with speech—are easier to detect than others. Kids, parents and teachers form the best investigative team when it comes to diagnosing LDs. If all of the signs point towards an LD, talk with your child’s teacher and seek out professional help right away. Though the challenge of an LD is life-long, with proper support and understanding, kids can overcome the obstacles to thrive both at school and in life.

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