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How to address sensitive topics at work

Coworkers having a discussion in a meeting
Managers are often reluctant to address performance, sensitive personal issues or behavioural problems with employees due to anxieties about overly emotional reactions, making the situation worse, and the manager’s own discomfort. But from a productivity standpoint, the sooner a problem is confronted, the sooner it can be resolved. Therefore, learning how to effectively handle difficult conversations is an important skill for any manager.

Be prepared

The first step to addressing a sensitive topic at work is to have the relevant facts and information at your fingertips. Connect with your HR representative to ensure you fully understand company policies and procedures, your rights and the employee’s rights.

Here are some helpful tips to help you prepare:

The conversation

The goal of your conversation is for you and the employee to agree on a plan of action to help address the problem. It gives you the chance to fully understand what might be going on and gives the employee the chance to seek support or voice concerns. However, if the employee is resistant or defensive, your internal policies and procedures for handling discipline matters and grievances will provide you with a framework for any action you intend to take.

During the conversation be sure to:

Follow up 

Even if the employee has been successful in changing his or her behaviour or improving performance, a follow up conversation is important. Tell the employee that you appreciate his or her efforts and ask if any further support from you is required. If the situation has not improved, you need to have a formal discussion with the employee regarding company policies and procedures and the consequences of his or her continued behaviour or poor performance.

No one looks forward to having a difficult conversation with someone who works for them, but if the discussion is handled in the right way, it can not only lead to better performance or relationships for the employee, but for your whole team. 

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