Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Tips on parenting after a separation or divorce

If you have recently gone through a separation or divorce, you have likely come through a period of conflict and sadness and may be concerned about your children and how they will respond to the changes in their life.father and son

It may help to be reminded that, in general, children are remarkably resilient and flexible and once they are past the initial trauma, they usually ease into their new lives.

Tips to help you and your child adjust

No matter how civilized your particular separation may have been, you have lived through an emotionally intense period. You likely have some grieving to do over the loss of an important relationship. It is important that you allow room for your emotions and time to recover and build your physical strength for the challenges that lie ahead.

Begin to build a new relationship with your ex-partner

Too many couples try to drag on the dynamics of the old relationship and end up bringing the conflicts along with them.

Helping your child adjust

Now is the time to ensure that you and your ex-partner keep communication fully open with your child.

How's your kid coping? signs to watch for

If you or others are noticing some of the following behaviours, it may be a sign that your child isn’t coping as well as they could:

By keeping a close eye on your children's responses to the divorce, you can give them the support they need or access outside resources to help. If you are ever concerned that your child is a danger to themselves or others, seek professional help immediately.

Children need stability and consistency in their lives. Life changes are a shock to the system, but your children are resilient and can cope with the right guidance. By creating routine and structure in daily life, and by making a concerted effort to work together and communicate with your ex-spouse, you and your children will travel the road to your new life with as few bumps as possible.

© 2024 LifeWorks (Canada) Ltd. Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information. For immediate assistance, call 1.844.880.9137.