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Clearing office clutter is good for your health

Male is working on his laptop

Keeping a clean workspace can be a challenge. Sometimes it’s easier to just let things pile up and try to ignore the mess. It takes time and effort to de-clutter. Once you do make the decision to organize your space, it can be very stressful because the “stuff” you are holding onto might carry sentimental value or you feel that you’ll need it in the future.

The problem with a cluttered desk or work environment is that it can be adding to your stress levels and may reduce your ability to focus!


A clear workspace can help to promote a clear and focused mindset. According to the Journal of Neuroscience, looking at several things at once can overwork your visual cortex, which causes your brain to have a decreased ability to process information. Focusing on one thing at a time allows for better quality of work and more efficient use of time.

Emotional health

Clutter can have a huge impact on your mental and emotional health. When you have piles of items that you are saving for those “just in-case” moments, it may promote a sense of fear of the future. Also, when your space is filled with old files, documents, and memorabilia it keeps you in the past. Both of these factors can prevent you from having a “future thinking” mindset and keep you from moving forward in your life.

Eat better!

Many people see food as an emotional comfort. When they are stressed they are inclined to use food to make them feel better, often making unhealthy choices. Working in a messy environment can cause your brain to be stressed out. A study in the Journal of Psychological Science compared snack choices of those in a neat room to those in a disordered room. The study found that those in the neat room made healthier food choices. When that 3 p.m. slump hits and you reach for a treat, double check your work environment and see if a cluttered work area could be contributing to that food choice.

Top tips to de-clutter

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