Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

How to have a stress free holiday season

Stress free holidaysThe holiday season may be the most wonderful time of the year ─ but it can also be the most stressful. Many of us spend every spare minute shopping, decorating, cooking, baking, wrapping, socializing and worrying whether or not everything will get done! We’re also worrying about starting the New Year in the red as the cost of gifts, entertaining, travel, and food can decimate our budgets.

Adding to our stress can be family and friends. For weeks leading up the holidays, we’re bombarded with commercials and television programs depicting perfect people enjoying happy times together. The reality is often cranky children, argumentative siblings, critical parents, difficult in-laws, and demanding bosses!

Are there ways to reduce the stress and actually enjoy the season? Yes, there are! Try the following:

Coping with holiday stress

Despite all our efforts, things will still get stressful. When they do, try these tips:

Most importantly, don’t shoulder all the responsibility. Delegate tasks and accept help when it’s offered. If, despite your best efforts, the holiday season has you feeling anxious, upset or sad, contact your Employee and Family Assistance Program for emotional support, financial advice or other helpful resources.

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