Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Raising an only child

For generations, families have consisted of two, three or more children, but that is changing. Today, across the developed world, one-child families are becoming the norm. For example, in the UK and Canada, approximately 45 percent of family units have just one child, and in the U.S, it is 25 percent and rising rapidly.
The reasons for the one child boom are many but include:

Tips on raising a single child
The old stereotypes surrounding only children – that they’re lonely, fearful and spoiled – are simply not true. Research shows that only children benefit from being the sole recipients of their parents’ time, attention and resources. They are more likely to be mature, confident, and happy, over-achievers.

Check out these ways to help an only child flourish:

Probably the best news for “onlies” and their parents is that they’ll probably always enjoy extremely close relationships. It seems a one-child family can be a win-win situation for everyone.

For more information on raising an only child, contact us.

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