Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Emotional fitness

Emotional well-being – or fitness – involves how we view ourselves and our place in the world. Emotional fitness includes accepting and liking ourselves, having confidence in our abilities, and the ability to cope with stress and challenges in healthy ways. But like physical fitness, achieving emotional fitness takes time and effort.

Here are a few work-out tips for your mind:

Maintaining emotional fitness also means knowing when to ask for help. If you're having trouble coping or would like more information, here are some resources that may help. For information on mental health and self-care, contact us.

© 2024 LifeWorks (Canada) Ltd. Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information. For immediate assistance, call 1.844.880.9137.