Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Planning and leading effective meetings

Almost everyone has had the experience of a long, dull, unproductive, disorganized meeting. Great meetings don't just happen automatically—they’re designed. Successful meetings are planned with the people, goals and processes needed to make it successful in mind.

Meetings have several functions. They move group actions forward by presenting information and collaborating. They provide a venue to review, evaluate, discuss, problem-solve and reach decisions. Colleagues may also meet for social reasons, to satisfy their need to belong, and their desire to communicate, build and share a common reality.

Using this three-step process to design and conduct an effective meeting will ensure that you meet both the task and social functions of a meeting:

  1. Preparation (before the meeting)
  2. Conducting a meeting (during the meeting)
  3. Follow-up (after the meeting)

Before the meeting

Being clear and organized in advance can go a long way towards making a meeting run smoothly and effectively. Here are some tips to try and help everyone be prepared:

During the meeting

The process is important. People will be happier and bring more to the table if they know what to expect in a meeting. Here are some items to help improve the meeting’s productivity:

After the meeting

Seeing action come of their input will encourage all participants. Make sure to:

Use the following meeting evaluation checklist to ensure you run an effective group:

Meeting evaluation checklist

Meetings can become the most productive part of the working day. If you think of every meeting as a chance to gather valuable input and implement ideas, everyone involved will come to value the process and see results.

© 2024 LifeWorks (Canada) Ltd. Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information. For immediate assistance, call 1.844.880.9137.