Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Resilience readiness: Checklist for building and maintaining resilience

friends are enjoying at a cafe

Life is full of great highs that bring us joy as well as great lows that can have profoundly negative effects on us. Just how negative depends on our resilience – our ability to face and cope with life’s challenges without acting in a dysfunctional way. Being resilient doesn’t mean we’re not upset about a change or an event, it simply means we find healthy, effective ways to deal with things when they do happen.

There are some of us who are naturally resilient thanks to a combination of temperament and upbringing, but most of us have to build our resilience by learning from experience and finding what coping strategies work best for us. These strategies begin by making small adjustments to our mindset and our lifestyle.

Adjusting our mindset

Highly resilient people share certain personality traits, including positivity, flexibility and the ability to regulate their emotions. We can strengthen our resilience by developing some of these traits including:

Adjusting your lifestyle

Resilient people also DO similar things to help them weather difficult situations. Simple lifestyle adjustments can help you do the same. For example:

We may get knocked down by adversity from time to time but being resilient means we bounce back and carry on stronger, wiser, and more confident in our abilities to deal with both good times and bad.

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