Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

How to support a colleague with depression

Research has shown that "Personal/Emotional" problems have increased by 47 per cent in the last four years. It is also clear that good supports both at the workplace and within families contribute to better recovery rates. All methods of treatment (medication, short-term counselling, long-term psychotherapy) are more effective when that crucial support is present. 

Employees do need support. This needs stating because depressed employees are occasionally mislabelled as apathetic with a couldn't-care-less attitude. 

The following steps may be of help to the depressed person or their colleagues:

Employees suffering from any of the symptoms mentioned earlier should be encouraged to receive help through their family doctor or professional. 

Professional help may provide the following:

Effective treatment will certainly shorten the duration of depression, even when it appears in its severest form. Many treatments have proved effective including short-term counselling, long-term psychotherapy, as well as the use of medication. Good support in the workplace and effective counselling can only enhance a generally favourable picture in helping employees deal with depression.
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