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Understanding learning disabilities

If you or a child in your life is having difficulty concentrating on and taking in new information, it’s important to identify the exact problem as early as possible.child with disability on a wheelchair is playing an instrument

Children, and adults, who are not keeping up with their peers can develop lowered self-esteem, which compounds any problem. With early intervention, you and other important people in your child’s life can understand the nature of the disability or impairment and can find strategies to help the situation.

People with learning disabilities are often very bright. Early developmental difficulties will not necessarily effect the child’s ultimate academic success, provided that the child is given the right tools to deal with early challenges.

What is a learning disability or impairment?

The term "learning disability" can cover a wide array of problems that affect a person’s ability to learn. Depending on the nature and degree of the disability, this can affect a person’s ability to learn a little or a lot.

A learning disability can affect the way a person sees letters of the alphabet or their sequence in a word, resulting in difficulty with reading and spelling. Other learning disabilities can mean having a hard time putting thoughts on paper by printing or writing. Some people have trouble understanding ideas in sequence or following instructions.

Some people are also coping with Attention-Deficit Disorder (ADD) or Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD). A person with ADHD is frequently impulsive and hyperactive and may have a very short attention span, reducing his or her ability to concentrate in the classroom. ADD can cause trouble concentrating, but does not always include hyperactive behaviour.

Recognizing a learning disability in children

Many children develop at different rates and may be temporarily behind their peers in some areas; however, a child with a learning disability may be:

Getting a professional assessment

Professional assessments are key in getting to the heart of the learning disability, and finding a way to support further learning. Assessments can be arranged with schools at any level, or through independent psychologists. A confirmation of learning disabilities will give you or your child some special rights.

Waiting lists for publicly-funded assessments can be long—over a year in many cases. Independent assessments can be an initially expensive process, but if feasible for you or your family, can pay off in early identification of both the disability and the strategies required to manage it.

Putting a plan in place

Depending on the type and degree of the learning disability and the services available in your community, the following options may be made available. Make a meeting with your child’s teacher and other key administrators in their school if need-be. They may be entitled to, and benefit from, some of the following:

Some parents, who are financially able, choose to supplement the school’s endeavours with private coaching for their child by a specially trained tutor. To ensure that the child receives consistent learning strategies, it’s essential that the tutor communicates with your child’s teachers and ideally also with the psychologist who conducted the original assessment.

How parents can help

You may be feeling frustrated by your child’s learning difficulties and by your inability to "wave a magic wand" and cure the problem.

However, there is a lot that you can do to help your child:

Though having a learning disability usually means extra challenges, these can be overcome, and people with learning disabilities can climb to great heights in their chosen field. With a clear diagnosis and the support you need, almost anything is possible.

© 2024 LifeWorks (Canada) Ltd. Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information. For immediate assistance, call 1.844.880.9137.