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Discussing issues prior to getting married

Most of us give considerable thought before making important decisions, spending time investigating the options and likely consequences. When it comes to marriage however, far too many couples blindly rush in, believing that the love they feel will conquer anything.woman is looking at her partner

Although there is no denying the significance of love, the decision to marry is one of the most important decisions you'll ever make. Mutual reflection and discussion of issues and choices you'll face together is an important step in understanding each other's needs and building a solid, lifelong partnership.

Some differences are normal and healthy and merely require a willingness to occasionally compromise. However, if your opinions differ greatly on major issues such as children or lifestyle, reflect whether your relationship can survive the sacrifices involved for one or both of you. Here are some of the issues to discuss:

Life plans

Values and priorities

Recreational needs

Emotional style

Discussing important issues before getting married can save you a lot of hassle and headache in the future. If you don’t know how to start a conversation or feel uncomfortable talking about certain topics with your partner, contact a counsellor or professional for assistance. Beginning your marriage with a steady foundation will ensure the two of you make a lasting, lifetime commitment.

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