Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Emotional health: what is it?

More than 25 per cent of Canadian workers report stress and mental or emotional health problems arising from their work. This is a significant number, particularly since stress in one physical, mental or emotional area will typically impact elsewhere. 

Our emotional health is especially vulnerable when our lives tip out of balance—probably because it's the first area that we stop paying attention to. Emotional health refers to the feelings and moods we have—sadness, happiness, worry, excitement, frustration and fulfillment, for example. Although we often overlook its importance, emotional health is essential for our overall health. Let's take a look at some of the things you can do to keep it in top shape. 

Tips and Tools You Can Use

Just like good physical health, emotional well-being is much more than just the absence of problems. When you start to pay attention to it, you are taking the first valuable steps towards a more fulfilling and successful life. Here are some tips to help you get started: 

Start with good physical health.

Eat the right foods.

Take control of your life.

Keep busy—but not too busy.

Relax—and have fun.

By following these tips, you'll be better equipped to handle life's inevitable challenges, build strong relationships, and lead productive, fulfilling lives.
© 2024 LifeWorks (Canada) Ltd. Your program may not include all services described on this website, please refer to your benefit material for more information. For immediate assistance, call 1.844.880.9137.