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Tips for time-stressed families

Families today are definitely time-stressed. It seems like there are never enough hours in the day and you keep getting asked to do more with less. First and foremost, remember to keep your life in perspective and try to live in and enjoy the moment. If you are too busy worrying about rushing to your next activity or appointment, you'll miss out on "the now."

Develop a family calendar. Using a family calendar to keep track of activities and chores can keep everyone in the family on track and help prevent missed appointments, surprises or oversights. Encourage all family members, including young children, to get in the habit of noting important events, activities or deadlines on the calendar. Use a large erasable white board or a large paper calendar that offers enough space to write activities and events clearly. The calendar can be used to note:

Before discarding or erasing the calendar each month, determine what can be eliminated or what is taking more time than originally planned.

Establish routines. Although your family is already following a type of routine out of necessity, it might be time to consider establishing a slightly more structured set of routines to follow. Routines can help us schedule and complete all of the many tasks involved in our day-to-day lives. They can provide a sense of order and predictability, and can also help forge stronger family bonds. Here are a few examples of family routines:

Plan ahead. You can put more hours into your day and commit to more family time if you plan ahead. Here are some suggestions as to how:

Simplify your life. To give yourself peace of mind, here are some ways to simplify complex tasks:

Use outside services. If feasible, use outside services and/or hire a high school student to help you with basic household chores. This will free up some of your time, which you will now be able to devote to more meaningful tasks. Consider hiring help for:

If you consider your family to be one that’s often pressed for time, consider the advice in this article to help you make the most of your days. By planning ahead and simplifying your life, you’ll be able to focus on more important life experiences and spend extra time with your family.

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