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Your relationship with your children: friendship or friendly?

As a parent, you hope that your children will find that one special, meaningful friendship. A best friend that your son or daughter can talk to, spend time learning and growing with, and confide in. But should that best friend be you?father is talking to his son

Sure there are moments when being your child's friend seems like a good idea. But juggling the role of pal and parent can be tricky, sticky and borderline impossible when times are tough.

Benefits of being a best buddy

But most of these benefits meet your needs and not your children's. Your child needs you to listen, give support, provide direction and advice, but it is not a mutual relationship. The role of parent is a specific and important one that has those, as well as, added responsibilities.

The parent’s role is to:

It is difficult to balance these roles and still remain your child's friend. It is important to maintain a friendly atmosphere in your relationship, but due to the power difference involved in the parent-child relationship, mutuality is not an option.

Being friendly with your child

In an effort to have your child’s love and respect, it is important to try and weave a balance between the aspects of friendship that are positive for the child, while maintaining the integrity of the parental role. This includes:

It is important to show an interest in your child's hopes, dreams, goals, friends, school work and personality. Let your children know that you love them unconditionally. Support them in making healthy life choices. Ensure that both you and your children have a good support network within and outside the home. Spend quality time with your children and their peers and let them have the freedom to grow.

If you take care of your own needs for connection and support with other adults, your children will feel more comfortable in reaching out and making friends of their own. By practising a parental style of interest, respect, and some distance, you will be sowing the seeds of a solid parent-child relationship that will last a life-time.

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