Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Embracing change in the workplace

coworkers in a meeting

To thrive in today’s highly competitive world, one needs to continually adapt and innovate. That means change is now the norm for most employees. But any change, whether it’s positive or negative, personal or professional, can be stressful because it involves the unknown, and we tend to fear the unknown. Finding ways to embrace change is the key to success.

Understanding change

Change is something we can’t control, but we can control how we adapt to that change – how we transition from an ending to a new beginning. But how we perceive a change often affects our transition. For example, if we see a change as positive and full of opportunities, we’ll embrace it and adapt quickly. However, if we think the change might have a detrimental effect on us then we’re likely to be resistant. Also, the greater the perceived threat, the greater our resistance and more difficult our transition will be.

Easing the transition

We might not be able to escape workplace change, but we can make it less difficult. Here are some tips to embrace change and ease the transition.

Finally, remember that nothing stays the same. Circumstances could change again soon, making you wish you hadn’t wasted energy getting upset about the original change. If you’re able to maintain a good attitude, you’ll keep your options open. You might even find unanticipated benefits!

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