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Tips for savvy holiday-season spending

Stretching your holiday budget doesn’t mean you’ll be giving lumps of coal as gifts this holiday season. Smart shoppers have always known that the holiday season doesn’t have to cost a lot in order to be fun. Family gift giving

For families that exchange gifts among members, you might consider setting spending limits or participating in family lotteries. But if you must give presents or entertain, here are a few rules to follow: 

Credit card planning tips

There are many ways to use your credit card more wisely during the holiday season. Here are some suggestions:

Tips for online shopping

When checking out Internet shopping sites, be careful. Many operate in American funds and charge hefty shipping and handling fees. And don’t forget that Canada Customs duty will be levied at the border, along with both GST and provincial sales tax. Plus, Canada Post may charge an additional $5 for delivery of international packages over and above the shipping charges you've already paid the vendor.

When placing any online holiday order, be sure to take into consideration the estimated date of delivery, to ensure the recipient receives the item by your desired date. Also, look into the seller’s return and exchange policy, in the event your recipient has an issue with the item.

Get creative

If you’re looking to give more innovative gifts this year, consider some of the following suggestions:

Although holiday gift giving has the potential to leave a dent in your wallet, consider the cost-saving and alternative gift-giving solutions outlined in this article before your next spending spree. Be sure to discuss the issue with your family and friends; it might help if everyone reaches a gift-giving agreement before the holidays.
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