Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Communicating with older adults

A number of factors can change an aging family member's ability to communicate. The aging process can reduce sight and hearing, and both speech and understanding can be affected by cognitive changes resulting from a stroke, dementia or other health conditions. young girl talking to her grandmotherThis can make communication difficult and can be extremely frustrating for both the caregiver and for the elder person. However, it's important to maintain communication as best you can and there are certain things you can do to make it easier.

Sight problems. 

Hearing loss. Although usually a gradual process, hearing loss can also happen suddenly as a result of a stroke or other critical illness. Hearing loss is not only frustrating for all concerned, it can also affect safety through reduced awareness of one’s surroundings.

Cognitive changes. Strokes and conditions, such as Alzheimer's Disease, can affect both speech and understanding. However, the two don't always go hand in hand. For example, stroke-related speech problems can sometimes be due to partial facial paralysis, while cognitive understanding remains normal. 

Social withdrawal. You may find that communication frustrations cause your older family member to withdraw from contact with others. This can make him or her more dependent on you, and can add to the care giving responsibilities. 

Watch for signs that this may be happening and try to find ways to keep the elder in contact with the outside world.

  • Help friends and family members understand the limitations. Share communication strategies with them.
  • Encourage contact with people who have previously been close to the older person.
  • Look for senior centre activities that focus on the older person's special interests.
  • Watch for signs of depression including lethargy, appetite loss and sleep pattern changes. If necessary, discuss the situation with healthcare providers.
If your elder loved one faces challenges to effective communication as they age, remember that it’s surely more frustrating for them than for you. Now more than ever it’s important to find ways to reach out to them and work towards closeness and understanding.
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