Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Understanding Medications Commonly Prescribed to Older People

Medications help us live longer and fuller lives. Yet as we get older, the number of different medications can increase and that may lead to potential problems that can actually endanger an older person's health. 

Make sure that your elder relatives are aware of the potential dangers arising from the misuse of their medications, which can include ignoring proper dosages or taking medications together that simply don't mix. 

If you are concerned an older relative may be confused about his or her medications, suggest you accompany them to their general physician and discuss the situation. 

Here are some tips to help you understand and stay up to date on these medications:

Simplified Tips

In addition to the suggestions outlined above, there are further measures you can take to avoid medication mix-ups:

While understanding the specifics of various medications may be difficult for you and/or your elder relative, there are ways to make this a less daunting task. In addition to the suggestions outlined in this article, be sure to consult with a healthcare professional or pharmacist to clarify any further concerns that you may have.
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