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Building a good relationship with your boss

Refining your relationship with your boss can create better understanding, trust and more enjoyable interactions. By being proactive and figuring out the best ways to communicate, you will better enjoy the hours you spend at work. coworkers talking

A bad relationship with a supervisor is a nearly universal source of work-related stress. You can, however, develop the skills necessary to “manage the manager”. Learning to focus, listen objectively and communicate confidently and assertively ensures you a significant place on your supervisor's team. 

Tips and tools you can use 

The first step is to look at your situation objectively, honestly evaluating your own work attitude and performance. 

The boss is the boss. Your supervisor is the one in charge, not you, but you can choose to team up with your boss to enhance the effectiveness of your department.

The relationship is your responsibility. Although unspoken and unwritten, it's still your job to get along with your supervisor, not the other way around. You do have a choice: work creatively with your boss to solve an issue, choose to live with it or begin searching for another position. 

Listen intentionally. Effective listening requires that you focus your attention on the person speaking. A significant part of dialogue involves listening objectively. Your input will be more focused and to the point if you've listened first. Play back in your head what your boss has just said, analyze it, then take your time to formulate a productive response. 

Respect the position if not the person. Give your boss the respect owed to the position, even if he or she has not earned your personal respect. 

A few other things to keep in mind when building a relationship with your boss:

You can also focus on raising your personal level of professionalism by:

Respect is a two-way street. Chances are if you give your attention, respect and best effort to your boss, your boss will respect you in return. That makes for a great working relationship.
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