Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Multitasking managers: Setting the right example

Coworkers in a meetingBeing a manager is a demanding job. Meeting organizational goals and resolving unexpected problems while juggling the demands of senior leaders and the needs of the team can mean bouncing from one activity to another and feeling like having achieved very little. Being an effective manager means working smarter – and inspiring your entire team to work smarter.

Setting the example

There are several techniques that may help you better manage your time. Try the following:

Leading – not just managing

Great leaders are not only knowledgeable and capable – they’re perceived as being fair and trustworthy. They set the standard for others to follow.

There are many talents, abilities and personality traits that make a great team leader but superior time management skills are perhaps one of the most important. A manager who is able to manage his or her own time – and the time of their teams – gets things done without placing unnecessary pressure on others. That means a more productive, engaged and happier team.

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