Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Time management for shift workers

As many as 80 per cent of shift workers experience personal, social and medical problems related to their work schedules. Irritability, fatigue, loss of energy and stress are just a few of these problems. clockHowever, there are steps to minimize these effects.

Understanding shift stress

Adjustment to shift work is based on the circadian rhythm—the 24-hour cycle of alertness and rest regulated by the brain's biological clock. As light enters the eyes, it stimulates a tiny mass of nervous tissue, which in turn suppresses the pineal gland that produces melatonin. This substance causes the body to prepare for rest.

There is 10 times as much melatonin at night than there is during the light of day. When more melatonin is produced, a cascade of chemicals that affects blood, glands, digestion, brain waves, body temperature, general alertness and level of arousal is produced. It can be extremely difficult to fight this physiological switch that induces rest and sleep.

Coping with shift work

Studies show that the best shift schedules move clockwise or forward (e.g., morning to evening to night) rather than counter-clockwise. Regardless of your shift changes, managing your sleep, even if it must come during daylight, is the key to avoiding shift stress. Try some of the following to help you sleep at any time:

Strategies to help you maintain a normal schedule during your waking hours include:

Diet and health play an important role in avoiding stress and maintaining energy through a difficult schedule. Remember to:

Shift work can take a toll on alertness and response times as well.

Take extra care to:

With some adjustments and looking after yourself, you can avoid a lot of the stress and burnout that often comes from working shifts. People react differently to shift stress, though. An estimated five to 10 per cent of the population simply can't tolerate shift work. If you are still having difficulties coping with shift stress, you may need to talk to your employer or consider changing jobs as a long-term solution.

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