Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Women and problem gambling

For many women, gambling begins as an enjoyable, recreational activity. Women are typically introduced to gambling through a family member, and view it as an opportunity for fun and socializing—which it can be.women gambling Unfortunately, this recreational pursuit can develop into a severe problem for some, and may lead to relationship, family, financial and career difficulties. 

The number of reported female gamblers is on the rise. In a recent study by the Alberta Alcohol and Drug Abuse Commission, women made up 53 per cent of the gambling population, compared to the one-third reported 20 years ago. Generally, women gamble as a means to escape from emotional problems—abuse, addiction, trauma, sexual abuse, loneliness, a controlling spouse or financial problems. 

Tips and tools you can use 

If you are concerned that you or a woman close to you may be a problem gambler, understand that initial self-denial is common. Many women are closet gamblers and don't talk openly about their winnings, making gambling patterns more difficult to detect. Additionally, family members may often help women cover up their problems. 

Profile of a female gambler 

Here are some traits and warning signs to look out for, to help you recognize a woman gambler. Consider if she:

Contributing factors 

There may also be external factors contributing to a woman’s gambling problem, which may fuel the issue as a means to escape negative situations in her life, such as:

Preferred forms of gambling

As mentioned, women tend to prefer gambling games of luck, rather than skill. Here are some notable favourites:

Workplace warning signs

If you suspect that one of your female co-workers has a gambling problem, here are some traits and workplace incidents to look out for. Take note if your co-worker:

Though gambling may be a fun recreational and social activity, when coupled with other negative factors, gambling can quickly become a problem for many women. Fortunately though, help is becoming increasingly available in this regard.
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