Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

How to create a budget and manage your money

With most of us working harder and longer than ever for our pay, we owe it to ourselves to really look after what we earn, and spend it planning

Money management is rarely taught in school, so "trial and error" has become our teacher. This can result in enormous stress, as we wrestle with paying bills, managing debts and saving for the future. Along with the challenges of inflation, it can sometimes seem like a daunting task. For most people, drawing up a budget is the best way to calm the storm of financial stress—and it’s much easier than you might expect.

Tips and tools you can use

Successful budgeting begins with clear identification of income and expenses. The latter should be broken into fixed expenses (payments that you have to make, such as rent, mortgage, loan payments etc.), and variable expenses (such as gifts, entertainment, travel etc.). Outlining your basic expenses will put you in an excellent position to begin taking control of your finances.

Assessing the situation

Balancing income and expenses

Compare your income with the total expenses you have listed. If your income is greater than your expenses, reflect whether you could make better use of the surplus through saving or investments.

If your expenses are greater than your income, it's time to trim your budget. From the above exercise, you should be able to identify the amount you need to trim from your expenses. If your debt load is overwhelming, consider credit counselling.

Trimming expenses

Money is less of a mystery than most people believe. It’s mostly common sense. Being responsible and creating a sound financial plan for your family’s future is the only way to be confident in your ability to weather hard times and achieve a sense of security for the future. The peace of mind you will gain from working with a budget will be more than payment for the effort.

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