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What to feed a child who has diarrhea

Diarrhea is a common childhood complaint that doesn’t usually pose a health threat in children past infancy.

Children habitually have two or three bowel movements a day and many breastfed infants pass far more. An occasional loose stool is nothing to worry about, but if stools suddenly become far more frequent than normal and are watery or of a different colour, your child probably has diarrhea.

Most cases of diarrhea are fairly mild and will soon clear up either on their own or with a little help from you. However, if your infant develops diarrhea, dehydration can be a concern and you should contact your doctor for advice.

Some typical causes of diarrhea include:


Dehydration arises from the loss of fluid and salt from the frequent bowl movements. Severe dehydration may require hospitalization and can be very serious in infants. Help to avoid dehydration in older children by giving clear liquids as soon as the diarrhea starts.

If diarrhea is severe, your doctor may advise giving an oral rehydration solution. You can buy this from your drugstore—ask for an electrolyte solution. You can also make it at home by mixing water with a little infant rice cereal and a dash of salt.

Signs of dehydration include reduced urination, dry mouth, fewer tears, lethargy, irritability, sleepiness, sunken eyes and discoloured or wrinkled skin on hands and feet. With prompt medical attention, dehydration can be easily treated.

The right fluids and foods

You can help to prevent diarrhea in your child by ensuring they eat and drink the right amount of foods. Here are some suggestions:

Severe symptoms

If your child exhibits any of the following symptoms, be sure to take him or her to the doctor immediately:

Although diarrhea is not a typically severe condition for children to have, consider the suggestions in this article to keep your children well hydrated and consuming high-fibre foods. If your child begins to exhibit any severe symptoms of diarrhea, be sure to seek medical advice right away.

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