Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Living with a Problem Gambler

Watching someone close struggle with a gambling addiction can have devastating effects on their family and friends. Although the problem belongs to the gambler, those closest to them are usually the first to experience the difficulties created by excessive gambling. 

Identifying a Problem Gambler 

Gambling addictions can take a serious toll on both the individual and the wider network of friends and family. Here are a few of the more common warning signs to watch for:

The signs that someone close may have a problem with gambling can be subtle and difficult to interpret. Here are a few questions to ask yourself to help discover the whether someone you know has a problem: 

Getting Help for the Problem Gambler 

Recognizing the problem is the first, critical step. If the person admits the problem exists, it’s a huge step in the right direction. Unfortunately, many gamblers have difficulty admitting that there is a problem and are convinced that they will recoup their losses. 

Remember that making the gambler feel guilty could worsen the problem. They could become even more secretive and less inclined to discuss the matter further. If the gambler refuses to admit the problem, patience is important. Have a calm and constructive conversation, assuring the gambler that they have your full support. Suggest researching the topic. This may help the gambler reflect upon the situation without feeling pressured. 

Until the problem is under control, a gambler's access to money may need to be restrained. Some things to try include:

Remember that a gambler cannot be forced to seek therapy. Make the gambler aware of appropriate resources and social support and the odds are they will be more open to seeking therapy. The family must be included in any treatment program both to help the problem gambler see the impact of their behaviour and to help heal the damage done. If there is still some uncertainty as to whether the problem exists or its treatment, seek out the advice of a professional.
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