Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Talking to your teen about smoking

Make no mistake about it. Cigarettes are a deadly and highly addictive drug. The fact that they are also legal makes them all the more dangerous. Technically, it is illegal in many regions for anyone under nineteen to buy cigarettes, but this doesn’t stop many teens from getting a hold of cigarettes. bottom half of a young teenage boy’s face smoking a cigaretteYour best defence is to understand the roots of teenage smoking and be an informed and positive role model.

Tips and tools you can use

You can save your teen the painful—and sometimes unsuccessful—process of quitting smoking by convincing them not to start. If your teen is already smoking, discussing the social and health risks may encourage an attempt to quit. Here are a few tips to try:

Social pressures

Health risks

Teaching by example


While you cannot truly ensure that your kids will not smoke or become addicted to cigarettes, you can work on maintaining a good relationship with them. You will achieve this by spending time with them, making them feel that they can talk to you about anything, and above all, reinforcing at every step that you will be there for them with your love and an open mind, helping them make the best possible choices for themselves.

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