Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Sleep: do you get enough?

Most of us will suffer from insomnia or other sleep disorders at some point during our lives. We often take broken sleep for granted, and accept the resulting higher stress, shortened temper, lower motivation and slower reflexes as part of a normal day.male is sleeping on his side

In actuality, however, a good night's sleep isn't just a restful interlude that's nice to have. Rather, it’s absolutely essential to good health, effective functioning and safety. The consequences of poor sleep include impaired performance, decreased productivity, emotional problems, and increased mistakes and accidents. Let's take a look at your sleep habits and see whether they can be improved.

Healthy sleep

Sleep problems can sometimes be associated with physical or mental conditions, or with certain medications. Consider visiting your doctor for a check-up as a sensible first step.

Eight hours of sleep a night is optimum for most healthy adults. Some people can function well on less, and others need more. If you typically feel refreshed, alert and ready to take on each day, you are probably getting sufficient sleep.

Sleep barriers

Encouraging healthy sleep

If you or someone you know is suffering from sleep disturbances, here are some suggestions on how to ensure a more restful night:

If you suffer from irregular sleeping patterns, you may be discouraged from restless nights. Fortunately, solutions are available. Be sure to discuss the issue with your doctor; he or she will be able to suggest a method of treatment best suited to your concerns.

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