Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

How healthy is your relationship with your partner?

Top tips for a healthy relationshipDo people in long-term, committed relationships live longer? According to research they do, experiencing lower levels of heart disease, certain cancers, depression and stress – but only if they feel their relationships are happy and healthy. Being in love usually makes us happy, but is that enough? How do we know if our relationship is also healthy?

Defining a healthy relationship

A healthy relationship is one in which two people are partners in life, able to endure the challenges of parenting, financial ups and down, changes in family dynamics, evolving personal mutual and personal goals, tragedies and triumphs. It is when both parties:

Defining an unhealthy relationship

How do you know if your relationship with your partner is unhealthy? Try answering the following questions.

The more times you answered yes, the more your relationship may need attention.

Communicating clearly

When you hear someone complain that their partner “doesn’t understand me” or “doesn’t hear a word I say,” they’re signs that both parties need to improve their communication skills – the foundation for any healthy relationship at home, at work or socially. Consider the following strategies to improve communication in your relationships:

It’s normal for any relationship to hit bumps in the road. There will be times when both you and your partner will demonstrate negative behaviours and even the most compatible couples may at times need help and support. Building a healthy relationship takes time and effort. If you want more information about how to improve your relationship or resources and counselling services in your area, contact your Employee and Family Assistance Program.  

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