Your Employee and Family Assistance Program is a support service that can help you take the first step toward change.

Knowing how to help aging parents

As adult children, we often feel concerned and helpless as we notice changes taking place with our aging parents. This concern can be sparked by a realization that our parent’s house isn't as clean as it used to be, the grass hasn't been cut or that there isn't enough food in the fridge. We may become concerned with their health or their ability to think clearly.old parent holding onto their child's hand

As we begin to worry about how our aging parents can take care of themselves, we begin to feel the parent-child roles reversing. We may suddenly be put in the position of providing not only assistance with errands or grass cutting, but actually helping with our parent's day-to-day care. Here are some strategies that can help you or a family member successfully take on the role of caregiver.


It's important to ensure that in trying to help your parent, you don't threaten or even destroy their sense of independence. Keep in mind that it is their choice to accept or reject your help.

Offer suggestions

When a parent doesn't want your help

Becoming a caregiver involves many changes for both you and your loved one. If you are feeling overwhelmed with your new responsibilities, contact a professional for advice, guidance and assistance. They can help you to ensure your loved ones receive the care they require, while still maintaining a healthy and loving relationship with each other.

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